• Japan Windsurf 2024
    The Japan Plan...


In May 2024 I will begin a windsurf of the coastline of Japan. The start location is near Tokyo and I will initially head north. This is an open-ended journey. The intention is a circumnavigation of sorts, but there are many unknowns about route and timing.

Why Japan?

A reader of my book asked if I had enough "left in the tank" for a windsurf round Japan. I studied feasibility and that triggered excitement, curiosity, and a tingle of fear. I heard that the people are kind and hospitable, and that the coastline is often beautiful and always changing. I foresaw an explosion of experience and learning; and felt the pull of seas unknown.

Those are the antecedents. A plan came later. Japan is simply what life determined and I am grateful to be included.

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I will try to be moderately regular with social media and blog posts. Please follow and share the occasional log entry.

Sailing in support of

  • World Wild Fund for Nature

Why WWF?   Donate to WWF

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The journey starts in May 2024. Real-time updates from YB tracking.

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Contact Network

10 Local Contacts are registered

Hokkaido (3)
Honshu (6)
Shikoku (1)

Expedition Sponsors

Thank you to my sponsors. Check out the gear that is making the expedition happen by clicking on the logos or visiting this page.

Project Values

My personal commitment is to operate at all times in a safe, patient, responsible and respectful manner. These values are also required of those with who are or become linked with the project.


Read about previous journeys to support this one!

In The Balance

In The Balance

Amazon Storyteller finalist Jono Dunnett embarks upon the World’s Longest Windsurf

"This “round Europe” sailing adventure begins deep within the Arctic Circle. Jono navigates through wilderness and carries his supplies in a watertight barrel. Many boundaries of the Seas of the Atlantic Ocean are crossed, and these provide structure to the narrative as the journey tacks towards Asia. What started as an expedition becomes a voyage, and two years later it has become an odyssey."

I hope you like this one. If I have achieved anything in life to be proud of, this book is it!

Long Standing Ambition

Long Standing Ambition

Finalist for the Amazon Storyteller award

If your life unravelled would you sink or swim?

Jono Dunnett hit rock bottom. Then he launched into stormy waters to follow his dream - by his own estimation a foolish ambition – to windsurf round Britain.

This powerful account charts the highs and lows of risking all, and the consequences of doing so.

Also available as an audiobook.

La vuelta a mi isla

La vuelta a mi isla

Spanish version of Long Standing Ambition, published in 2023.

"Si tu vida se viene abajo, ¿te hundirás o saldrás a flote?

Jono Dunnett tocó fondo y decidió lanzarse a navegar por aguas tormentosas para perseguir su sueño de dar la vuelta a Gran Bretaña haciendo windsurf. Según su propia estimación era una ambición insensata, y pronto se convirtió en una emocionante aventura..."