Stealth mode, off!

Submitted by jono on 07 Aug 2024.

At the beginning of this journey I was concerned that the coastguard / port authorities / navy might hear about my plan and suggest or require that I put an end to it. As the weeks and miles accumulated this became less of a concern, and now I'm quite happy to be known about!

Perhaps it is time for a sticker on my sail to let people know what I am up to.

With stealth mode officially off, here are some (probably all!) recent "media appearances":

"Nanocruising" Podcast

This is not quite my first podcast, but it is the first where I haven't been a totally tongue-tied guest. The host, Stephan, handled my nerves with aplomb, and his skilful edit of our conversation turned out well enough for me to listen to it rather than recoil in embarrassment.

Of course, we share a love of small craft (nano) cruising, and it helped that Stephan had read my book, and therefore had sensible questions to ask.

The podcast was recorded over Whatsapp, and the studio was a quiet and grassy camp location just north of Shikabe. Please have a listen, and if you like "nanocruising" tales, then subscribe to it!

Local Press

I have been camped up at the same spot at Atsunai, waiting for a break in the fog, for what seems like an eternity! A journalist came to find me a few days back and wrote this piece. Since then, the shop know me, and the local post office staff were doubly-keen to help when the data ran out on my phone! A bit of celebrity is nice, helpful, and fun!

[see picture of newspaper cutting below]

Megumi's Story

This article was unbeknown to me until a few days ago. Megumi did masses of research on my behalf during the time when I was considering whether or not to go ahead with this journey.
It is an interesting article, and for me demonstrates the unknowability of outcome, and the wisdom of acting with "good intention" in all that we do.


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Cutting from Tokachi Mainichi newspaper Cutting from Tokachi Mainichi newspaper
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