Pause for Permissions

Submitted by jono on 26 Nov 2024.

I just got a message asking if all was OK, as I hadn't updated in a while. Thankyou for your concern and apologies for my absence! Here is a situation update:

All is well! My permission to be in Japan expired on 20th November and (on the very last day of that permission) Yumiko drove us to Aomori airport and we caught a flight to South Korea. There was a sprinkling of snow on the ground when we left.

We have been in Seoul a few days now, living the life of city tourists, and in my case trying to catch up on the tedious "admin of life" that has been neglected over the last 6 months. If all goes to plan I will be able to re-enter Japan in a few days' time, and then the weather will be kind enough to allow progress to recommence. It might be that Yumiko is still providing land support for a while, or it might be that I am back on my own and therefore sleeping under the sail. We'll see. These plans, of course, need to be flexible as the reality of what actually happens might be very different.

I wrote an update for Surf Magazin a few days ago and in that piece noted that in the first six months of the journey I have made it approximately half-distance round Japan. When I was stuck in the fog for two weeks at Atsunai (Hokkaido), or trapped on fishing nets in the Nemuro Strait, such good progress seemed unlikely. Later there were further setbacks and delays: a moment of inattention that resulted in a broken paddle (resolved by Starboard Japan), and then another bad choice that resulted in a mast and sail breakage (resolved by Loftsails and Unifiber Japan). At this stage, compared to where I was a few months ago, I consider that halfway round Japan is a good recovery!

Health-wise I am also feeling good. An extended break is helpful for my fingers which are the part of my body that suffers most. Downwind sailing in light winds strains the fingers and wrists, especially as these conditions are unsuitable for being hooked in. Stronger winds are easier on the upper body and instead felt more through the legs...

Next update when I am hopefully back in Japan. Now I'm off to the Spanish Embassy in Seoul, and then shopping to find me a warmer jacket...

Gentle seas and following winds make for good miles and tired fingers Gentle seas and following winds make for good miles and tired fingers Current latest position Current latest position Packed up, but hopefully the pause is a short one Packed up, but hopefully the pause is a short one Aomori airport terminal view Aomori airport terminal view
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