Part 2 of Round Japan Officially Underway

Spring is more or less here and I am back on the water. My postings are very trivial but they might be fun to follow. Please share this email and encourage others to sign up for updates.

Submitted by jono on 09 Mar 2025.

Just a heads up that I am back moving after the winter pause. Yumiko has the car with the tent and she will be with me for the next 3 or 4 weeks. Then, in April, she starts a job, and I will be on my own again sleeping under the sail in hopefully warmer conditions.

It was an excellent day for the restart: very flat sea and a breeze that was helpful. The wind died away at a convenient place to check out a stream over the beach that was sending plumes of steam into the air.

Then the wind came back to allow a few more (nautical) miles bringing the day's total to 13.

Submitted by jono on 08 Feb 2025.

The latitude of my last landing is similar to Lisbon, in Portugal. That’s about a third of the way down the coast of Honshu. I’m trying to go south, but currently going nowhere.

Since the beginning of the winter, winds have been blowing from the NW on to the Japan Sea coast. 9 out of 10 days are windy, with rough seas and a dangerous lee shore. The cloud base rarely lifts, and most days bring rain or snow.

Cold Fronts, JPCZ, and Other Excuses

Another update, written from the east side of Japan where there is shelter from the mountains. It explains why progress has been so difficult these months. Maybe (hopefully) of interest!

Submitted by jono on 04 Feb 2025.

The exploratory mission in January allowed for 3 days of sailing. Days 1 had very light and unreliable wind. Day 2 a meagre headwind. Day 3 there was more breeze and a few good miles early, but then a thunderstorm with heavy headwinds and a building sea. My hands were too wet and cold to operate the phone (in it's wet case), which meant I had to pull-in when I reached a decent size port in order to make some navigational checks... and there I stayed because to continue was most uninviting.

January's False Start

I enjoy sharing my journey, but regret encouraging people to spend more of their time on social media platforms. For this reason, I have tweaked the Windsurf Round Japan website so that it can now send updates straight to your email inbox. Subscribers to this newsletter can stay informed while keeping clear of the algorithms.

Submitted by jono on 26 Nov 2024.

I just got a message asking if all was OK, as I hadn't updated in a while. Thankyou for your concern and apologies for my absence! Here is a situation update:

All is well! My permission to be in Japan expired on 20th November and (on the very last day of that permission) Yumiko drove us to Aomori airport and we caught a flight to South Korea. There was a sprinkling of snow on the ground when we left.

Submitted by jono on 13 Nov 2024.

Team Effort

Recently, this solo round Japan journey has become a team effort. That started in Setana (in Hokkaido) where Shino-san and friends looked after me up until the crossing of the Tsugaru Strait. Then, since making landfall in Honshu, Yumiko has been following with a car and a tent and a big bowl for cooking hot food.

Submitted by jono on 29 Oct 2024.

Two more hops to report... 


The first of these an early start and then 20 nautical miles in 4 hours to Esashi. Averaging 5 knots doesn't sound that impressive, but most days I would sign for that. Also note that quoted distances are straight line measurements, whereas the sailed course is rarely that direct. This means that the actual speed is more respectable than it sounds.

Submitted by jono on 19 Oct 2024.

I'm too late. Like a straggler from a flock of migrating geese, the odds now seem stacked against me from escaping the harsh winter of northern Japan.

My objective has become to "complete" Hokkaido by reaching its southwest corner, and then crossing the Tsugaru Strait back to Honshu. Looking at the map that doesn't seem a huge ask, but at this time of year the weather windows are at best short-lived and at other times a figment of wishful thinking.

In Japanese, "windsurfing" is called "windosurfing". That seems very apt right now.